CS331B: Representation Learning in Computer Vision

Autumn Quarter 2016, Stanford University
Mon, Wed 3:00 PM - 4:20 PM at Thornton 110

Paper Presentation (2 Students)

Each lecture has a theme. Two students will be presenting a paper within that theme. While preparing your presentation, you must try to integrate the papers as much as possible into a coherent presentation. The presentation will need to summarize the papers and include:

Remember to upload your slides to Gradescope before you present!



Project Progress and Final Report (1-3 Students; 2 Recommended)

Use the CVPR LaTeX template.

Max 6 pages for progress and 10 pages for final report.

Title and authors

Abstract: short summary of the project with main results

6 sections:

  1. Introduction: introduce the problem you want to solve, explain why it is important to solve it; and indicate the method you used to solve it. add a concept figure showing the overall idea behind the method you are presenting.

  2. Previous Work

    1. Review of previous work (i.e. previous methods that have explored a similar problem)

    2. Say why your method is better than previous work; and/or summarize the key main contributions of your work;

  3. Technical Part

    1. Summary of the technical solution

    2. Details of the technical solution; you may want to decompose this section into several subsections; add figures to help your explanation.

  4. Experiments: present here experimental results of the method you have implemented with plots, graphs, images and visualizations.

  5. Conclusions: what's the take home message?

  6. References (counts towards page limit)


Project Source Code:

Class participation

Be prepared to ask questions during and after the lecture. At the end of each lecture, two discussion leaders are randomly selected: the discussion leader will ask questions to the presenters and lead a 5-minute discussion panel; the quality of the questions & discussion panel will be used for evaluating class participation.